Friday, September 12, 2014

Curriculum and Instruction In Business - Module 2

The requirements for this Module were to create an expansion of the Pacing Days for my chosen course, Business Essentials.  This meant completing the outline of the whole course over a 180 day term.  After looking deeper into the competencies required for the Business Essentials Course, I realized that I needed to make some adjustments to the days I had planned for each competency as well as the order in which I felt they should be taught.  I am glad that this expanded pacing day activity helped me to realize that these adjustments needed to be made which reinforces the idea that doing a preliminary Pacing Days layout for each course we teach be something we think seriously about doing.
Once I had my expanded packing days finished, it seemed to naturally flow into completing the Academic and Technology integration portion of the assignment.  Integrating reading, writing, math, and different technology applications into the curriculum did not seem to be difficult once the activities for each day were put in place.  Overall, I have learned a lot this past week about the preliminary work that will be helpful in organizing the road map for teaching a specific course over the term of a school year.  

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